Learning Design Yazılımları (engines, players, designers, vb.)

LD Specification
IMS Learning Design Specification, http://www.imsglobal.org/learningdesign/

LD Engine
Coppercore, http://coppercore.sourceforge.net/
GRAIL – The Learning Design run-time environment included in the Learning Management System .LRN

LD Authoring Tools
Reload, http://www.reload.ac.uk/, RELOAD Project (Reusable eLearning Object Authoring & Delivering), from Bolton University (RELOAD, 2008)
ReCourse Learning Design Editor, from TENCompetence Foundation (TENCompetence, 2010)
GLO Maker, from the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects (CETL-RLO) (RLO-CETL, 2009).
Graphical Learning Modeller, http://sourceforge.net/projects/prolix-glm/
Open Graphical Learning Modeller (OpenGLM), http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/OpenGLMhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/openglm
CLIX ICOPER: An Outcome-Based IMS-LD Learning Delivery Solution
Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), http://lamsfoundation.org/
CADMOS Learning Design Tool, http://cosy.ds.unipi.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=117&Itemid=71http://cosy.ds.unipi.gr/cadmos/
Web Based Learning Design Tool (Bruno et al, 2012)
Ask-LDT (Sampson et al., 2005)
MOT+ (Distant from spec. general purpose graphical editor) (Paquette, 2005)
CopperAuthor (2005). CopperAuthor Learning Design editor, retrieved August 5, 2005 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/copperauthor/. (Koper, 2005)
CosMos (Miao, 2005)
GTK Press Komposer (Close to spec. tree editor, linked to high-level Word-based resource authoring)
aLFanet LD Editor, http://sourceforge.net/projects/alfanetat/, (Santos, 2006)
eLive (Editor) Distant from spec. specialized editor
Chronotech editor (Editor) Also suitable for Edubox (EML support)
Eduplone (Learning Sequence Integrated editor and player) Distant from spec. specialized editor, template based

SCOPE (Learning Design Library)
LN4LD (Learning Network for Learning Design) is a project of the Development Programme (www.learningnetworks.org) at OTEC (OUNL). With the support of the FP6 EU UNFOLD Project and Pro-Learn Project.

EML Tools
Edubox Editor (EML Editor)
Edubox Player (EML Player)
Perot LD Editor (EML Editor)

Service Based Learning Design System (SLeD), http://www.elframework.org/projects/sled.html (Weller et al., 2006)
aLFanet LD Player (Integrates .LRN with CopperCore)
CopperCore Player

LDSE Learning Design Support Environment, https://sites.google.com/a/lkl.ac.uk/ldse/

Non – LD Specification Tools
The OU Learning Design Initiative (OULDI) – CompendiumLD learning design software, http://e4innovation.com/Papers/Conole_knowledge_cartography.pdf
Learning Design Tool (LDT), http://ldt.eworks.edu.au/, Australian Flexible Learning Framework

JISC Projects

EU Projects
UNFOLD (2004). Understanding Networks of Learning Design. EU 6th Framework Project. http://www.cordis.lu/ist/telearn/fp6_unfold.htm.

Griffiths, D., et al., Learning Design Tools, in Learning Design: modelling and implementing network-based education & training, R. Koper and C. Tattersall, Editors. 2005, Springer Verlag. p. 109-135.

Koper, R. and Tattersall, C. (Eds.), Learning Design – A Handbook on Modelling and Delivering Networked Education and Training, 2005, DOI 10.1007/b138966, Springer Berlin Heidelberg http://www.springer.com/computer/general+issues/book/978-3-540-22814-1
Koper, R. (2005), Introduction to Learning Design, http://dspace.learningnetworks.org/bitstream/1820/476/1/introduction-learning-design.pdf
Sampson, D.G.; P. Karampiperis; P. Zervas (2005). ASK-LDT: A Web-Based Learning Scenarios Authoring Environment Based on IMS Learning Design. Advanced Technology for Learning, Vol. 2005(4).
Bruno, F. B., Silva, T. L. K., Silva, R. P., & Teixeira, F. G. (2012). Web Based Learning Design Tool. Wide Information Systems, 29(4).
RELOAD, 2008. RELOAD Project [WWW Document]. URL http://www.reload.ac.uk/
RLO-CETL, 2009. GLO Maker [WWW Document]. URL http://www.glomaker.org/
TENCompetence, 2010. ReCourse Learning Design Editor [WWW Document]. URL http://tencompetence-project.bolton.ac.uk/ldauthor/
Miao, Y. (2005). CoSMoS: Facilitating Learning Designers to Author Units of Learning Using IMS LD in Proceediongs of the International Conference on Computers in Education, C.K. Looi, D.H. Jonassen, and I. Mitsuru, Editors, IOS Press: Singapore, pp. 275-282.
Milligan, C.D., P. Beauvoir; P. Sharples (2005). The Reload Learning Design Tools. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Advances in Learning Design Special Issue, Vol. 14.
Van der Vegt, W.; E.J.R. Koper (2006). CopperAuthor 1.6. [Available from: http://www.copperauthor.org, accessed: 11.10.2006].
De la Teja, I.; K. Lundgren-Cayrol; G. Paquette (2005). Transposing MISA Learning Scenarios into IMS Units of Learning. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (Advances in Learning Design Special Issue), Vol. 2005/14.
Weller, M., Little, A., McAndrew, P., & Woods, W. (2006). Learning Design, generic service descriptions and universal acid. Educational Technology & Society, 9(1), 138–145. Retrieved from http://oro.open.ac.uk/16105/
Santos, O. C. (2006). Meaningful pedagogy via covering the entire life cycle of adaptive eLearning in terms of a pervasive use of educational standards: the aLFanet experience. EC-TEL 2006, 691–696. Retrieved from http://www.springerlink.com/index/K5PHVHG5157563X3.pdf